What do you wish you had more time to do?
As it sometimes happens, I pose questions which I don’t have a ready answer for myself. And, as usual, once our colleagues begin to send their answers, the ideas come streaming in or I find myself relating closely with a few that help me focus on my own priorities. Since we all have exactly the same amount of time each day, the essence of this question seems to be how we make time to do those things that really make a difference in our lives. A pandemic has brought questions, conditions, concerns, loss, opportunity, and challenges for more than a year. I’ve squandered some of that time and made the best of some of it. The replies below encourage me to give this question more thought going forward.
The VERBATIM column poses open-ended questions to a selection of our colleagues every month. Adopted from the familiar “Heard on the Street” format, we offer our responders a chance to reply via e-mail. Their personal thoughts below are in response to the question posed above. These are their replies reported verbatim.
Wishing for more time and wanting to do something more often are after-thoughts of chosen priorities. Every day we are faced with the challenges of our choices. I can say I wish I had more time to travel. The truth is, I could, I just choose other things first. I’m blessed with a good staff that allows me considerable freedom, so I don’t really wish I had more time for something/anything. There are just times I need to decide what is most important and make it happen.
Judy Taranovich
Proctor Gas
Proctor, Vermont
To learn new things…. I am a life-long student who enjoys acquiring a new skill and having time available to put my somewhat inept efforts into practice, is the icing on the cake. ????
Leslie Woodward
Fairview Fittings
Oakville, Ontario
I wish I had more time to help people in need. It has been difficult with Covid to get out and help with charity events or initiatives I’m passionate about. With most of my contact being by Zoom, I try to give a little extra of myself every day, listen intensely, ask deeper questions when I realize there is more to learn about a person. When I feel a person is struggling or there’s more to the story, I dig in with discovery questions to create a courageous, honest conversation which leads to improved, trusting relationships and a healthier mental outlook. I’m realizing you don’t have to be in person to make the difference, you can come across just as genuine and caring over Zoom, building lasting relationships to come. ????
Hayley Karicofe
Churchville, Virginia
When I think about time, or the lack thereof, I’m reminded of an interview with The Oracle of Omaha. Warren Buffet talked about his ability to buy basically anything he wants, except for time. Every moment that I am able to spend with the people I love is precious. My wife would probably say that I spend too much time working and not enough time relaxing, and she’s probably right. I would definitely spend more time vacationing and traveling with my wife and children.
Jason Soulon
Westmor Industries
Shawnee, Kansas
Reading! It’s been too long since I’ve gotten lost in a good story. I read quite a lot of children’s books, some parenting books and some business books, but I would love more time to read all of these and something that is just for my own enjoyment.
Lauren Clark
Bergquist Inc.
Toledo, Ohio
I wish I had more time to volunteer. I have always dreamed of building a school, nursing home, housing units and an animal shelter in the same vicinity. Every resident, child and animal would thrive by interacting with each other.
Laurie Irish-Jones
Irish Propane
Buffalo, New York
In most cases I think we commit ourselves to what we make time for. Not always of course, there can be competing demands for our time or urgent and unavoidable circumstances that can supersede all plans. All that aside, I would wish for more time to dedicate to our field teams working with them on development, operational and growth strategies. Of everything I do, being in one of our field locations working with and focusing on our people and business is most rewarding.
Boyd H. McGathey
Energy Distribution Partners
Parkville, Missouri
There are so many answers I could give, but I have to say my grandchildren are very important to me. I wish I had more time to attend their sporting events, school functions, and just hang out with them. They all have such unique personalities, and it has been a joy to watch them grow into the neat young people they are becoming. I know how quickly time flies, so I want to make the most of those moments with them!
Rosie Buschur
McMahan’s Bottle Gas
Dayton, Ohio
I wish I could allocate more quality time to developing and maintaining important relationships with my family, friends, and business acquaintances. At this stage of my life and career, my health and family are my priorities, and those two areas are critical to me as I continue my work life, which I enjoy, and continue to promote propane safety risk management products and services to marketers.
Jerry Schimmel
P3 Propane Safety
Cumberland, Rhode Island
Recently I had lunch with my college-age granddaughter who joined university life last fall with more than a little trepidation due to the prospect of taking all her classes in a virtual format. I’ve come to learn that “Zoom fatigue” is a real issue for many of us who work or study through video conference technology and asked her how she was handling remote learning. She told me her theory on compartmentalizing her daily life in order to accomplish what she needs and wants to achieve each day. Advice of this sort is presented by people with success in many walks of life and many more years under their belts. As a freshman Lily has organized her life to include attending virtual classes, reading, writing, studying, staying in touch with friends and family, and having fun. She is on the Dean’s List which speaks well of her commitment and her method. I gained some insights from my granddaughter and my colleagues on this topic all of us contend with every day. What choices are we making with our precious time that make our lives what we want?
Nancy Coop, Cetane Associates
This column was first published in the May 2021 issue of Butane-Propane News.