What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago?
In addition to asking some colleagues this question—those who responded in this column—I put this question to others in my life. I thought I was noticing a generational tendency yet the more people I asked, the less I believed there were tendencies within different age groups. As you’ll read here, some respond with “no regrets” and others have plans to make changes in order not to have regrets.
In this column, adopted from the familiar “Heard on the Street” format, we offer our responders a chance to answer the question posed in the title. These are their replies reported verbatim.
Family, Friends, Well-being and . . .
Considering the state of the world over the last few years, spending time with my family is something I wish I had done more of five years ago. This has always been at the ‘top of the list’, but nowadays it is underlined!
Jessica Johnson
Asheville, North Carolina
Even though I spent time with my father, as he was part of the business, I wish 5 years ago I had spent a lot more time with him and my mother. Not with just business-related items, but in general. I wish we talked more, other than business. Thankfully, I did spend a fair amount of time with them, as they were there for my daughter, who was everything to them. Doing small things, such as going to dinner added up to a fair amount of time, but wished I could turn the term “fair” to “a lot”. I wish I could have that time back and I would do more, knowing what I know now. I lost both parents 2 days apart in 2019.
Richard Strycharz, Jr.
Walter’s Propane
Sunderland, Massachusetts
I wish I had spent a little more time adjusting my eating and exercise habits to coincide with my aging body. As I have gotten older, my body’s needs have changed. Heart health is more of a concern than ever before. I wish now that I had started modifying sooner. I believe I’m on the right diet and exercise regimen now. In 5 more years, I’ll see if it worked.
Julie Johnson
Baldwin Park, California
Life is always busy. But are we doing all the right things to fulfill our lives? In hindsight, I would have liked to have spent more time with my family and friends and have done more volunteer work. My family continues to grow, and I love spending time with them. Being a positive influence on my grandkids, spending time with my wife and helping others makes me complete. I have lost friends and family recently and I believe that makes you appreciate what you have.
I am doing more with my music career now than I was five years ago. Performing with bands, writing, recording, and playing the National Anthem at major events has been a great experience and extremely rewarding. Life is too short. We all need to focus on what is important and make it happen. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow.
Ed Varney
McKinney, Texas
Five years ago I would have spent more time golfing, reading books, playing piano and in general relaxing more. At that time in my career, I would still have been working 80-90 hours a week. I don’t regret that I worked a lot, it was needed as we grew the business. I am, however, looking forward to retirement to enjoy more of the relaxing times.
Susan Peterson
Bird Island, Minnesota
I wish I had spent more time reflecting on the positives and have gratitude. There were a number of things at that time happening in my life and we can lose sight of the good that there is in this world. We should always find time to be grateful for things in our life.
Tom Krupa
Richmond, Virginia
I wish I spent more time journaling. Time flies so fast the only ways I get to look back upon memories are either looking at Facebook memories or talking to people that would bring up memories. It’s always nice to see what happened on this certain day several years ago and it gets you thinking back upon that time. However, as a person who always likes to reflect, just one thing I wish I spent more time doing is documenting the past.
Sam Fung
McKinney, Texas
I went back and looked at photos from 5 years ago to see if I could jog my memory of anything or anyone I feel I could have spent more time on/in/with and I cannot come up with much. As a mom and CEO, I think I could always use more time spent on myself. We often put our own needs way down the list, if not last. I’m trying to do better now. I’m not sure I was even considering it an option 5 years ago.
Lauren Clark
Toledo, Ohio
I pondered this question as I had my morning coffee on my patio. I truly can’t think of anything I wish I would have done more of 5 years ago! I have such a blessed life that I wouldn’t change a thing!
Paula Moore
Blackburn Propane Service, Inc.
Durant, Oklahoma
I’m not sure that I have anything I wish I would’ve spent more time doing 5 years ago. Hopefully that’s a good thing! There should be no regrets in life, just lessons learned. I wish I would’ve finished my college degree 25 years ago because once you start having children, it’s an extra layer of complexity and I’ve still not finished that Bachelor’s Degree. And that is a lesson learned!
Tonya Crow
Bloomington, Illinois
I would have written in a five-year diary. A few short lines of what was going on that day. Life goes by in a flash and it is nice to write about what happens and then reflect on it and remember. I will have one in 2028!
Laurie Irish-Jones
Buffalo, New York
Be Here Now!
I have a dear friend whose guru wrote a book with the title Be Here Now. Living in the present moment with focus is the foundation for some philosophies. Practically speaking, learning from the past and taking meaningful memories with us through life is how many of us take this journey. Having been influenced by my serene and joyful friend, I also take a page from her treasured book.
This column was first published in Butane-Propane News in August 2023.