Verbatim Column

What is your big bold goal in 2024?

This question is recycled from three years ago when turmoil was becoming an uncomfortable new standard of living. We’ve weathered some uncertainty and modified behaviors as needed to move ahead. It seems like a good time to update this question for today. I’m not one to establish resolutions at the beginning of each year but I do like putting the focus on prioritizing a single achievement. Our responders have a wide range of goals—from the perspective of a sports fan to one of a philosopher.

In this column, adopted from the familiar “Heard on the Street” format, we offer our responders a chance to answer the question posed in the title. These are their replies reported verbatim.


Big Bold Goal for the New Year

My big bold goal is for National and World Peace!  But since that probably won’t happen,  I will work on my ability to be at peace.  Just don’t let things that are out of my control bother me and do good for others.

Tom Krupa

NGL Supply Terminals Co.

Richmond, Virginia


The big goal in 2024 has nothing to do with business. It is a personal goal of mine. My goal is to take my wife to Hawaii in November 2024 for her birthday.  She has always wanted to go.  I’m not sure which island (or islands). That is up to her. I’m just happy to get some warm sunny weather, I’m sure it beats western PA weather in November.

Jon Shepard

VK Inspections LLC

Mercer, Pennsylvania


To balance time better, even if it is a little time here and a little time there.  Also, to get a better handle on most paperwork, everybody’s favorite thing!

Richard Strycharz, Jr.

Walter’s Propane

Sunderland, Massachusetts


It’s a secret and no, it’s not giving up smoking and drinking again . . . After all we are going through In Vermont I’m thinking about starting – lol

Judy Taranovich

Proctor Gas Inc.

Proctor, Vermont


My big bold goal in 2024 is to retire!  My husband and I plan to slowly back off our work schedule so we can have more time to do the things on our bucket list!  Hopefully, we will be able to completely retire sometime in 2024!

Rosie Buschur

McMahan’s Bottle Gas

Dayton, Ohio


One of my big bold goals in 2024 is to reach out and be intentional in visting and keeping up with family members I normally don’t see.  One wise person once told me you don’t want weddings and funerals to be the only two occasions when your family comes together to catch up on life.

Sam Fung

Emerson Fisher LP Gas

McKinney, Texas


My big bold goal for 2024 is to dig into my “stop-doing list.”  As the day to day chaos happens I tend to give myself too many tasks, and I tell myself that it all must get done. It’s time to reevaluate what I and my team members do everyday that really matters so that we can focus on the right tasks.

Jason Soulon

Westmor Industries

Shawnee, Kansas


My big bold goal of 2024 is something I never thought I would be saying— opening my second store front in a neighboring state!  My parents started the business in 1960 with one bobtail and always operated out of their home.  I was so excited to have an office built  8 years ago!  No reason to slow down now, so the wheels are in motion for our store in Texas.  I expect it to be up and running before fall of 2024.

Paula Moore

Blackburn Propane Service, Inc.

Durant, Oklahoma


Retirement. 😊

Susan Peterson

Rural Computer Consultants

Bird Island, Minnesota


My goal for 2024 is to figure out what is MY mission statement?  I was asked that very simple question* a few months ago and I answered it with my typical response that aligns with my position at work.  That person looked at me and said no…what is your mission statement?  To which I answered with my quest to raise good children into productive members of society.  She looked at me again and said no…what is YOUR mission statement?  I was caught off guard.  My world has been centered around my girls (who will soon be leaving the nest) and around my work.  We all go through seasons of life and I need to start thinking what this next season should look like.

*Shout out to Angela Morrill for asking me that question at the NPGA meeting in October!

Tonya Crow


Bloomington, Illinois


In 2024 my biggest goal is to spend as much time with my family making as many memories as we can.

Jessica Johnson


Asheville, North Carolina


To develop more meaningful relationships in the propane industry.

Jerry Schimmel

P3 Propane Safety

Cumberland, Rhode Island


My big bold goal is to watch the Detroit Lions win a playoff game in 2024. It’s been over 30 years since it happened. They’re due.

Don Montroy

Bergquist, Inc.

Rockford, Michigan


Last year I did not accomplish my goal.  Now what?  Do I set the same goal again?  I find that roughly half the goals I set, I actually attain. What I do know is that in 2024 I will accomplish great things and I will also get a handful of trouble and a splash of grief.  I think this year my goal is to be grateful for everything and content with what life throws my way.

Julie Johnson

Ted Johnson Propane

Baldwin Park, California


My goal for 2024 is to spend more time working on my business than in my business. This will require me to focus on coaching my team, delegating day to day work and to focus on personal growth and business development.

Lauren Clark

Bergquist, Inc.

Toledo, Ohio


A Big Bold 2024 Ahead

To tie your goal to something within your control, with a strong motivational aspect, and a plan may set you up best for success. I once created a piece of artwork that required my steady time at the easel nearly daily throughout a 12-month period. The result is meaningful to me and reminds me from its prominent placement in my home that big bold goals, which are attained, are worthwhile.

Nancy Coop, Cetane Associates


This column was first published in Butane-Propane News in January 2024.

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We were very pleased to have such a knowledgeable and experienced company in our corner with the team at Cetane. It was obvious that they knew the best process and how to get the ball over the goal line. Their advice throughout the process was greatly appreciated and we thoroughly enjoyed working with them.

— Steve Lombardi, Brodeur’s Oil, Moosup, CT