What makes you feel great about yourself?
When you contemplate your answer to this question, how far-reaching is your consideration of possible things that could be legitimate responses? As usual in our monthly column, our responders give us their unique perspectives to the question at hand.
In this column, adopted from the familiar “Heard on the Street” format, we offer our responders a chance to answer the question posed in the title. These are their replies reported verbatim.
I absolutely love to sing. Regardless of the song or genre, nothing compares to the feeling I get when I am singing.
Jessica Johnson
National Propane Gas Association
Asheville, North Carolina
What makes me feel great about myself is that I believe in the Lord who has a wonderful plan for me and that my identity is found in Him. Regardless of rough times and good times, I know He has a wonderful plan that is better than any plan I could ever map out for myself.
Sam Fung
McKinney, Texas
I feel proud of myself because I am a trustworthy person. You can depend on me, as I do what I say. I also make a great friend because I hold information shared with me, in confidence.
Julie Johnson
Baldwin Park, California
Serving and taking care of other people, especially those who are going through hard times, is when I feel the best about myself. Being selfless and doing anything I can to make someone else’s day brighter is the greatest mood booster. This can be making a meal, a note checking in, showing up physically to help carry the load, or offering a listening ear. It can be second nature to show up for your tight community and I am intentional to carry that into my work. As leaders our teams are constantly facing difficult days or tough life circumstances and it goes a long way to know that your company leadership cares about you and your family.
Lauren Clark
Toledo, Ohio
I fall short of most expectations for myself. I’m not what you would call an over-achiever.
I guess what makes me feel GOOD about myself would have to be when I see I have made family and friends happy doing something for them. Something that makes them happy.
Judy Taranovich
Proctor, Vermont
There are two ways when I feel good about myself. The first is when I see my kids happy and comfortable in who they are. As a parent that is my hope. Many times, we think of success in monetary terms but one can be very successful monetarily and still not be happy. I hope for happiness every time. The second way are the projects that a group I work with does for the needy in our community. Many of these are house repairs for the elderly so they can stay in their homes. Many cases are widows who cannot do for themselves and can’t afford to pay someone for the repair. It may only be 4 hours or so on a Saturday but it can make a huge difference in their lives. Always feels good to do for others.
Tom Krupa
Richmond, Virginia
Very simple, when you have been working on something for a long time, maybe even prolonging it, then you finish it, whatever it may be! That makes me feel great.
Richard Strycharz, Jr.
Walter’s Propane
Sunderland, Massachusetts
I feel great about myself after completing a difficult task, especially if I wanted to give up on it. The task could be a home improvement project, an article I’m writing for work, or even helping my son with his 6th-grade math assignment. It feels great to know I learned something while completing a difficult task – not that the outcome is perfect (nothing is) or that I didn’t make a mistake (I always do). The satisfaction comes from learning. Incremental improvement is the real goal.
Don Montroy
Rockford, Michigan
It’s not so much feeling good about myself but more feeling good about living. As my body goes through the typical processes that occur naturally for people my age, there are still flashes or even extended periods of happiness or contentment that I am able to feel. They could be due to abnormal occurrences or even to everyday events that I might be experiencing, but through a more appreciative lens. Whatever it is, I hope they continue for a long time to come.
Bruce Swiecicki
National Propane Gas Association
Tinley Park, Illinois
The things that make me feel great about myself many times are accomplishing a task. Checking something off, getting something done, especially something that maybe I wasn’t looking forward to doing in the first place. Taking time to stand back and appreciate the work is very satisfying.
Boyd H. McGathey
Parkville, Missouri
Here are several things or experiences that make me feel good about myself and at times maybe even great. Developing a consistent routine provides structure and a sense of accomplishment and helps me maintain my work-life balance. Physical activity or recreation helps improve my mood, reduces stress, and ultimately leads to a positive physical and emotional state. Volunteer work and helping others can create a sense of self-worth, purpose, and fulfillment. Building and maintaining healthy relationships with family, friends, and industry colleagues can contribute to emotional well-being. Continuous learning fosters a sense of achievement and can help boost your confidence and self-esteem. And finally, at this stage in my life, being healthy makes me feel great!
Jerry Schimmel
Cumberland, Rhode Island
What makes me feel good is knowing that God is with me and when I quiet myself to listen, He is guiding my path.
Selina Shepard
Mercer, Pennsylvania
Completion! Whatever it may be! A project, report, or even a workout. I’m sure being the queen of procrastination is the reason that completing anything makes me feel great.
Paula Moore
Blackburn Propane Service, Inc.
Durant, Oklahoma
The sheer act of accomplishing something that required our attention, energy, and time is a personal satisfaction we all relate to. The positive act of following one’s spiritual path can lead to strong feelings of joy and gratitude. I recently heard the expression “my heart is dancing” which delights me and happens to eloquently describe exactly how I feel when my body is literally dancing. I’ll wrap this up and put on some dance tunes.
This column was first published in Butane-Propane News in November 2024.