Verbatim Column

What would you regret not doing?

Is there something you haven’t prioritized yet and you know in your heart that if you never actually put it at the top of your list and do it…you’ll regret it? Our colleagues approach this question, as always, with their individual perspectives.

In this column, adopted from the familiar “Heard on the Street” format, we offer our responders a chance to answer the question posed in the title. These are their replies reported verbatim.


Regrets, imagined and real

Fear of the “electric everything” future can be so paralyzing, especially in our industry and for such a small company like mine, but fear of regret will stick with me for life.

With this in mind, my greatest regret, and with it my greatest fear, would be that I did not do everything in my power to do what was best and right for my employees, my customers, and my community. I will continue to fight the ALL-electric movement no matter what. I realize this does not make me the best business woman, but I hope it makes me the best human I can be. And at the end of the day–to me, that’s what I can live with!!

Judy Taranovich

Proctor Gas

Proctor, Vermont


I would regret if I was not my true self. It has always been important to me to be myself and let people get to know the real me. If someone does not like me, because they don’t jive with me, that’s okay, but I would hate for someone to not like me, and I didn’t give them the opportunity to really know me.

Lauren Clark


 Toledo, Ohio


When I decided to not complete my PhD dissertation, I was saddened that all my research on General Beatson, his Bashi Bazouks and the Crimean War, was never going to see the light. Then I thought to myself, why don’t I turn this into an Historical Novel? The only problem with that was the writing part … I had a lovely academic paper, but fiction novel? – not so much. I diligently took fiction writing courses and worked on my opus – and then – I stopped. I now have a half-written book – and I know – what I would really regret not doing – is finishing it.

Leslie Woodward

Fairview Fittings

Oakville, Ontario, CANADA


I would regret not being there for my daughter, whom I bring to and from school and everywhere in between.  Yes, mostly in a bobtail or service truck.  Also, on a daily basis my life involves at some point amateur radio, geocaching, and some discussion of trains.  I would definitely regret not “doing” any one of these items as they keep me sane!

Richard Strycharz, Jr.

Walter’s Propane

Sunderland, Massachusetts


I would regret not doing everything that I can to live a happy and fulfilling life with my family.

Jason Soulon

Westmor Industries

Shawnee, Kansas


I would regret not being able to spend more time with my grandkids.  They all have such unique personalities, and I really enjoy talking with them.  It is interesting to see their perspectives on life.  I realize the older they get and the busier their schedules are, we will have less time together.  So, we need to make the most of the time we have now!

Rosie Buschur

McMahan’s Bottle Gas

Dayton, Ohio


I would regret not being myself.  We are all unique with our own valuable qualities, skills and talents. I learned long ago that trying to fit in among the crowd left me feeling uncomfortable and unfulfilled. Over time, I realized that the more comfortable I am in my skin the happier I am, and my work and life reflect that.

Jessica Johnson


Asheville, North Carolina


I regret not majoring in business in college. Unless your parents or relatives were savvy and experienced with the career and college major selection, most of us relied on our high school guidance counselors for recommendations and direction. In hindsight I wish they had developed a better process to help students identify their interests, skill sets, and the associated potential career opportunities to explore. It was suggested that I major in physical education and become a teacher because I had no real vision or plan, and I was a three-sport athlete for four years in high school.  I should have been guided into Business or Marketing based upon my personality traits and characteristics, which would have been far more beneficial in my current role as Vice President of Sales.

Jerry Schimmel

P3 Propane Safety

Cumberland, Rhode Island


I would certainly regret not doing my best. Whether it is in business, volunteering or supporting my family, it is important that I do the right thing.

In business you have to work hard for your customers and employees. In doing philanthropic work, you have to put in the time to be effective.

As my family has grown, spending time as a positive influence on my grandkids and extended family is rewarding. Doing my best to help them become good people is a priority for me and a joy. There is nothing better or more humbling than to be someone that people respect and admire. You can only get there by doing your best!

Ed Varney

Topline Management, LLC

McKinney, Texas


I would regret not finishing my goal of visiting all 50 States.  How this goal came about was after joining my benchmarking group in 2008. The group met in various States and then I would add a day or two onto the trip to see the sights.  Today I have eleven states left to visit.  South Dakota is already booked for next year, then I’ll be down to ten.

Julie Johnson

Ted Johnson Propane

Baldwin Park, California



I would regret not traveling and seeing this wonderful earth we live on. So much beauty in so many places.

Laurie Irish-Jones

Irish Propane

Buffalo, New York


I used to be timid or worried about committing to requests or being involved in projects.  What would happen if I failed or looked like a fool?  I wish I could remember the book I read 15 years ago, but it was about an up-and-coming comedian who worked in improv before making it big.  While on stage performing improv, the rule is they must say YES to keep the skit going.  The skit could fail using this theory, but if you said NO or didn’t play along, it obviously immediately ended or failed.  The lesson I learned was that it’s silly to not say YES!  This has opened opportunities up for me that I never imagined, both personally and professionally!  Heck, some of you will remember that I ended up on stage in Nashville with a famous songwriter because I said YES.  Things have changed in my life all because I said YES and I would’ve regretted missing out on all of those opportunities!

Tonya Crow


Bloomington, Illinois



Looking for a simple quote about ‘regret’, I found the statement above attributed to Lucille Ball. Naturally, a comedian would have a funny take on everything she says publicly and Lucy does not disappoint. I find her comment to be both witty and wise. We can’t undo what’s past and may regret, but we can find a way to achieve our private goals and feel pride in doing so. We can aim to live our lives to the fullest, learn from experiences, and at the end of the day have no excuses and no regrets.

Nancy Coop, Cetane Associates


This column was first published in Butane-Propane News in January 2023.

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We were very pleased to have such a knowledgeable and experienced company in our corner with the team at Cetane. It was obvious that they knew the best process and how to get the ball over the goal line. Their advice throughout the process was greatly appreciated and we thoroughly enjoyed working with them.

— Steve Lombardi, Brodeur’s Oil, Moosup, CT