Verbatim Column

Which movie character would you most want to be like?

Too many choices for some of our responders but they each found a way to find a standout example of a movie character that resonated with them. Films and memorable screen characters have affected all of us at one point or another. In this column, adopted from the familiar “Heard on the Street” format, we offer our responders a chance to answer the question posed in the title. These are their replies reported verbatim.



My fate is sealed with this question – the decision is out of my hands. I would most likely be a cartoon character!! A few years ago a Pixar film (I believe) came out called “Inside Out.” It was a movie on the emotions of a young girl—my sister-in-law and I took the kids to the movie. There is a character by the name of Sadness in the movie—short, dark hair, glasses pretty much always worried about everything. Those of you that know me are getting it—LOL. Anyway it was a cute funny movie but somewhere in the middle of the movie I had this epiphany. I looked at my sister-in-law and said –OH my Gosh!!! That’s meeeee!!!! Fast forward—I AM trying to work on more positive attributes but, I do live in Vermont 😊

Judy Taranovich

Proctor Gas Inc.

Proctor, Vermont


One of my favorite characters is Walt in “Gran Torino,” played by Clint Eastwood. He is a simple man but defends his Asian neighbors from hate. He stands up to the gang taunting and terrorizing his neighbors because of his principles. Many people think he is just a grumpy old man. His appearance and actions did not show who he was as a person. However, he realizes the value of dignity in others and finds it in himself. We live in a world where most people are afraid to stand up for various reasons. People are conditioned to keep to themselves more due to potential backlash from social trollers.

I was raised to “believe in yourself, treat others the way you would like to be treated, and live with purpose and dignity.” Every person is one of God’s children and no better than anyone else. He was definitely a hero in the movie.

Ed Varney

Topline Management, LLC

McKinney, Texas


There are so many movie characters I’d like to be like, it’s hard to pick one. I just saw “The Equalizer 3” that stars Denzel Washington and I would love to be like that character—amazing skills used for good to help those in need while delivering searing justice. On the other hand, I can relate to “Deadpool” as well!

Boyd H. McGathey

Energy Distribution Partners

Parkville, Missouri


I really would like to be a combination of three characters: Wonder Woman, Scarlett O’Hara of “Gone With The Wind” and Vivian in “Pretty Woman.” Wonder Woman, of course to have superpowers with great strength and speed as well as wisdom so that I might get everything done and done well. Scarlett for her headstrong and outspoken ways. I have also been known to make a belly dancing costume out of my kitchen curtains many years ago! Also, sometimes I say I “pull a Scarlett” and not think about something till tomorrow. As for why I would like to be Vivian is simply because I’ve always kind of had the hots for Richard Gere!!

Paula Moore

Blackburn Propane Service, Inc.

Durant, Oklahoma


Erin Brockovich—A true hero, who fights with determination and against all odds for members of a town that are sick from polluted water by a large corporation. I admire her tenacity in going up against insurmountable odds! Despite her own dire situation, she never gives up and brought people together to fight for what is right! And wins!!  I love that movie character and try to aspire to fight for what is right.

Susan Peterson

Rural Computer Consultants

Bird Island, Minnesota


What comes to mind is Sally Field in two different roles where she played a mother.  One is in “Forrest Gump” and the other is in “Steel Magnolias.”  In both of these movies, I see a mother who faced some tough life challenges.  She was supportive, caring and wise – the traits that I would hope to exhibit as a mother!

Rosie Buschur

McMahan’s Bottle Gas

Dayton, Ohio


My all-time favorite movie is “Mr. Mom” and from that movie started to like Michael Keaton.  He has played many different roles from comedy, drama, super hero, etc.  He seems like a well-rounded actor and that is kinda what I hope to be in what I do.  Not a bad thing that he is from Western PA either. I think of “Night Shift,” “Beetlejuice,” and “Batman” in addition to his role in “Mr. Mom.” I don’t know enough about him to say that I want to be like him but certainly want to be versatile like him in my daily doings.

Tom Krupa

NGL Supply Terminals Co.

Richmond, Virginia


This question stumped me a bit. I’m not a big movie watcher and the ones I have seen recently have, for the most part, been kids’ cartoon movies. I ended up choosing a character from a movie I saw many times as a kid and have seen many more times as a mom…”Mary Poppins.” I’ve always loved her character. Mary Poppins is kind but firm. She is true to herself. She has an incredible imagination but knows when to be more serious. Mary Poppins knows that it is a choice to see tasks we must do in life as a chore, or to choose to make it fun and enjoy yourself. She has so many desirable qualities plus she travels by way of umbrella and has a bottomless bag that she can fit anything she could ever want or need. Who doesn’t want a bag like that?

Lauren Clark

Bergquist, Inc.

Toledo, Ohio


As a movie character, I have always admired Forrest Gump. This character is constantly misunderstood and underestimated, yet he lives with unmatched character, positivity, and determination.  He is always willing to lend a helping hand and treats others with sincere kindness.

Jessica Johnson

National Propane Gas Association

Asheville, North Carolina


This month’s question seemed tricky to answer.  I think it was because of the sheer number of choices. Each movie character that I thought of had their own set of merits. The character that I picked was Bo (Bandit) Darville. He was played by Burt Reynolds in the “Smokey and the Bandit” movies. I would like to have had the excitement of what he did. Also, times were simpler back then. Even though he technically ran afoul of the law, nobody ever got hurt in the movies. Plus, let’s not forget about the car he had!

Jon Shepard

VK Inspections LLC

Mercer, Pennsylvania


The movie character I would most want to be like would be Danny Ocean from “Ocean’s Eleven.”  I love how he sticks to his plan in spite of critics and how impossible the task may seem.  But most of all, he stays calm and collected throughout the entire process and has faith that the plan will succeed in the end.

Sam Fung

Emerson Fisher LP Gas

McKinney, Texas


Harrison Ford as Han Solo; only as his character in the original 1977 movie, “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” (not his character in episode five or six).  Definitely not (not Ford) in the recent Solo movie.  Very dry, get to the point sarcasm and tone (in the original).  Also, Michael Beck as his character Swan in the 1979 movie, “The Warriors.”  Again, dry tone and humor.  Swan was a great leader and well respected.

Richard Strycharz, Jr.

Walter’s Propane

Sunderland, Massachusetts



  1. “If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.” – Orson Welles
  2. “When people ask me if I went to film school I tell them, ‘no, I went to films’.” – Quentin Tarantino
  3. “Cinema is a matter of what’s in the frame and what’s out.” – Martin Scorsese
  4. “Acting is not about being famous, it’s about exploring the human soul.” – Annette Bening

Nancy Coop, Cetane Associates


This column was first published in Butane-Propane News in June 2024.

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We were very pleased to have such a knowledgeable and experienced company in our corner with the team at Cetane. It was obvious that they knew the best process and how to get the ball over the goal line. Their advice throughout the process was greatly appreciated and we thoroughly enjoyed working with them.

— Steve Lombardi, Brodeur’s Oil, Moosup, CT