You’re given one wish…but you can’t use it on yourself. What would you wish for?
Right off the bat, Boyd McGathey cleverly asked me if he could “wish for more wishes?” Yet he, like our other respondents, found a broader, more humanitarian wish within the boundaries of this month’s question. Only a couple people threw in something personal, and one used her wish for yours truly (one of the more humbling moments I’ve experienced). I hope you’ll give this question some thought—what would you wish for if the wish-granting power stipulated it could not be for yourself? Think big!
In this column, adopted from the familiar “Heard on the Street” format, we offer our responders a chance to answer the question posed in the title. These are their replies reported verbatim.
My one wish would be for everyone to follow The Golden Rule all the time (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you). As I was thinking about this, I realized how many problems in this world could be solved. I doubt that we would have wars, political division, homelessness, or hunger. I’m sure that would just be the tip of the iceberg of the problems that would go away. I’m the first one to admit that I myself don’t follow it near enough, but I am working on it. I hope that anyone else who reads this could work on it as well. I think we’d all be better off for it.
Jon Shepard
Mercer, Pennsylvania
My single wish would be to grant every person with consistent, loving kindness and a desire to never hurt another human being. Hopefully this would then lead to the end of wars, and suffering caused by humans. That would bring an end to greed, crime, hate, lies, deceit, and other evil traits in the world. That would be my wish for the world to be a better place.
Susan Peterson
Bird Island, Minnesota
I would wish that the people of Ukraine could live peacefully and freely in their own country. [Editor’s note: This is Leslie’s global idea.]
Totally unrelated personal wish – “I wish that one day my son is the Captain of the World’s largest Cruise ship” 😊
Leslie Woodward
Oakville, Ontario, CANADA
Gosh, big question! All the obvious answers are a wish for world peace, end world hunger or homelessness. But what I would love to share as my wish is written in Matthew 7:12, “So whatever you wish others would do to you, do also to them.” If we all treated other humans with kindness and respect, I think everything else would just fall in place.
Tonya Crow
Bloomington, Illinois
This one is simple yet remains true no matter which way I frame it. I would wish for peace on Earth.
Jessica Johnson
Asheville, North Carolina
There is so much division in our country now and not a lot of willingness to consider issues with an open mind. This makes me very concerned for the future of my children and grandchildren. My wish would be that people could overcome their differences and learn to work together for the good of our country so that our descendants can experience a peaceful coexistence.
Rosie Buschur
Dayton, Ohio
My wish would be to heal our country. We’re never going to agree on everything but for many decades we have managed to find common ground and compromise—I think, by not being so extreme in one direction or the other.
Boyd H. McGathey
Parkville, Missouri
I wish Nancy Coop that she would feel the appreciation from our industry. She has done so much to promote propane, community in our industry, and give women a voice in our association. She has been a tremendous example of professionalism and grace to all whom she comes in contact with. May all her dreams come true!
Julie Johnson
Baldwin Park, California
I would wish for the safety and happiness of my wife, kids and loved ones.
Jason Soulon
Shawnee, Kansas
My wish would be that my children and their children succeed in whatever they do. It is harder today to follow your dreams. But I truly believe that with confidence and conviction, anyone can succeed. I was lucky to have good parents, siblings, coworkers, and employees throughout my career. I also had a mentor that helped me mature and grow in business. My wish is that the next generation makes the world and our country a better place.
Ed Varney
McKinney, Texas
The pattern seen in our respondents’ replies verify what I hear from my friends, my colleagues, my family members, and pundits on media news outlets: we humans are struggling to find harmony and equity in this world we inhabit. These responses may make a case for wishful thinking as the basis for making meaningful change. The meaning of “wishful thinking” is, according to Webster’s Dictionary, “the formation of beliefs based on what might be pleasing to imagine, rather than on evidence, rationality, or reality.” Further delving into definitions, “wish”, when used as a verb, is “to feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable.”
Shall we consolidate the thoughts presented by the collective conscience in this column to create a better world for the future? Perhaps we can, with our kindness and open-mindedness and desire for reasonable compromise establish a new “Make-a-Wish” organization whose mission is to improve the world for future generations. Individually we add to the collaborative effort by applying real-world behaviors and attitudes such as respect, caring, and kindness to all we encounter.
This column was first published in Butane-Propane News in November 2022.